LifeoftheParty Page 7
“Jack,” she said, pulling Doug to her side, “I’d like you to meet my…friend, Lieutenant Douglas Welland of the Camden Police.”
The spin with which she marked their association was hardly lost on Doug. He extended his hand. “Congressman.”
Nor was the glance Jack Falco shot Gina before he grasped Doug’s hand. “Lieutenant Welland, I’ve heard a lot about you,” he said, smiling warmly. He leaned in, still holding on, and added sotto voce, “Thank you so much for being here.”
Doug sniffed. Oh he was good. Eyes bleeding sincerity, mouth angled with just the correct level of concern, a handshake capable of not only telegraphing his Alpha dog status but also a fair amount of warning. You hurt her again and you’ll answer to me. Doug locked on to his gaze, the meaning clear.
“I wouldn’t be anywhere else, Congressman,” he said, giving the man’s hand an equally portentous squeeze.
Jack smiled again, letting go. “We have some things to talk about then. Do you think you could meet me in my office tomorrow morning at, say, ten o’clock?”
Doug noticed another man lingering at a discreet distance. Falco’s own bodyguard no doubt, undercover state police, like Halchak had said. Not that it mattered. It could’ve been FBI for all Doug cared. His only concern for the foreseeable future was the woman standing inches away, watching them both intently. “I’ll be there.”
“We both will,” said Gina.
“Obviously.” Jack’s mouth quirked at his aide-de-camp. “Joined at the hip these days, aren’t you?”
Gina dipped her head with a snort, a blush rising up her neck. Doug flexed his hand. Christ, he’d love to flatten him.
“Join me at my table?” Jack asked, not really a request as he took Gina’s arm.
Doug had no choice but to follow. And watch. And steam. He shouldn’t have been surprised at the sight of such an intimate tête-à-tête between the two, leaning into each other, laughing at some insider observation, whispering conspiratorially. Still, it chafed, seeing her so close to another man, and he wanted to smack himself for being so juvenile. This woman had a long, long history without him, before and after their liaison, and he had no right to hinge her loyalty on a little more than two months together. And maybe that was the part that hurt the most, if he had to get down to it. That even though he once again had license to touch and kiss and make love to every inch of her body, he couldn’t seem to breach the very core that was Gina Bardone. All at once she laughed, tossing back her head, Jack grinning alongside her. Doug wanted to rip the planking from the walls.
As they approached the table a man stood, tall like Jack and Doug himself, yet lankier, as athletic as a runner. Next to him sat a woman, mid-height from what he could tell and very blonde, but a natural one he suspected, all pert and smiles and yet a bit on edge, as if she had just come off the end of an argument.
“Ted,” said Jack. “Glad to see you could make it.”
Ted reached across the table to grasp Jack’s hand. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world, Congressman.” He glanced to Gina. “Ms. Bardone.”
She stared at the man with obvious surprise. “Mr. Parks,” she said, the ice in her voice palpable.
Parks held her gaze for a moment before glancing to the woman on his left. “And this is my wife, Leslie.”
Was Doug the only one who noticed the shock on Gina’s face when she looked to his wife? A little warning bell went off in his head.
But before Gina could utter a word, Jack had already come around to Leslie’s side. “Ah, the lovely Leslie. You husband’s told me so much about you.” He grasped her hand. “Jack Falco.”
“He has?” She arched a dubious brow at her husband before looking back to Jack. “Don’t believe a word of it.”
“I don’t have to. I’m already forming my own opinion,” he said, his hand closing over hers. “But I’ll also consider anything you’d like to add.”
“Really? Oh my, now that’d be refreshing.”
“Wouldn’t it?” He smiled brilliantly before letting her go. “Have you met my chief of staff, Gina Bardone?”
“I have now,” Leslie said, nodding to Gina. “Hi there.”
“Leslie,” Gina said, swallowing hard.
Jack looked from Gina to Ted. “I take it you already know Ted,” said the congressman.
Gina crossed her arms in front of her. “Yes, we’ve—”
“We’re old friends,” finished Ted. “Way, way back.”
Doug flexed his hand again. What the hell is going on here?
Jack turned to Doug. “Doug, meet Ted Parks and his wife, Leslie.” He looked to Gina. “Ted has just agreed to be my county campaign manager.”
Doug barely had a chance to nod before Gina interjected with, “Really.” She smiled tightly at her boss. “How wonderful.”
Jack continued, turning to Doug. “He’s got quite the résumé. District attorney, former mayor of Riverboro, county party chairman, to name a few.”
“Sounds like a perfect candidate for your seat, Congressman,” said Doug.
Ted laughed. “Oh now where did you hear that? First I’d have to talk Leslie into a change of venue.”
“Oh don’t blame it on me,” Leslie said dryly. “I think a change of venue is exactly what we need.”
Doug had the impression if he and his wife were both sitting down, Ted would be nursing a very sore ankle. He detested him on sight.
As a matter of fact, Doug was doing a fair amount of detesting this evening. Everywhere he looked there appeared a new source of irritation, every man who crossed Gina’s path seemingly harboring a hidden past. Were they all former lovers? Or were they all just lying in wait? He glanced to Ted Parks. There was definitely something between him and Gina. And then there was Lee Roland. The man had Gina’s fingerprints all over him, as plain as tattoos. And Jack. Jack.
Doug narrowed his gaze on him. There he was, fawning all over Gina again, both huddled over her BlackBerry as she tapped out some directive he could very well just give her tomorrow. And now even with him—with Doug—sitting so near to her, as he stared at her creamy back, her silky hair, her breasts seemed to be heaving way, way too much every time Jack uttered what vaguely resembled something witty. Doug jabbed his fork into his lobster tail, the shell shattering. Good practice, he figured.
This is what he got for leaving her alone earlier in the evening. When he was still coming down from their last encounter, when he needed a bit of walking to calm his pounding heart, when being so close to her again took his breath away. It almost happened, he almost allowed it, and he didn’t know how much longer he could stop himself. It wasn’t natural and he knew it.
Even now, with her just across and a couple of hundred voices swirling around him, he wanted her so badly it was all he could do to keep from dragging her out the door and doing her right in the parking lot. And when Ted came over to talk to her, when the wail of the band behind them made him lean down and whisper in her ear, he felt his anger flare so dangerously no way could any sane judge expect him to be responsible for what he came perilously close to doing. He gripped the edge of the table.
Gina’s eyes shot to Doug’s and she glanced to the clock on the wall. “Oh my God, look at the time. Jack, would you mind if we called it a night?”
Jack looked to the clock as well. “Jeez, it is getting kind of late.” He stood, rising to meet Gina and Doug. “Thanks so much for coming, Doug,” he said, reaching to shake his hand. “I’ll see you in the a.m., right?”
“Ten,” Gina affirmed.
Ted stood as well. “And don’t forget to stop by county headquarters. With the rally in Riverboro Sunday, there’s some things the two of us need to shore up.”
Gina slanted him a glance. “I’ll try to make it Saturday, but I really think the district office has everything under control.”
“Yes, but there’s still a few—”
“She said she’d try,” Doug said, his voice lethal. He came around the table, taking Gina’s
arm as he nodded to Jack. “Congressman.”
“Lieutenant Welland. See you tomorrow.”
And without another word, he nearly dragged her out the door.
* * * * *
They were in the Holly House drive before Gina managed to coax a reaction from him. “Fine display of Neanderthal etiquette tonight, Doug.”
He glared at her, opening the door as they came to a stop. He tipped the driver, not even sure if he had to, latching on to Gina’s arm to haul her inside.
“Key,” he said, and she fumbled with her purse to retrieve it, mumbling something he hadn’t the patience to decipher. He swiped the keycard through the reader. Once they were inside he finally let go of her and she winced, rubbing the spot where his handprint still remained.
“Bastard,” she hissed. “You hurt me. As a matter of fact, you acted like a bloody idiot all night. Jesus, did you utter just one word, one goddamned phrase that didn’t have a threat attached to it? How are you ever going to look Jack in the eye tomorrow?” She tossed her purse to the sofa and turned toward the bedroom. “Enough with this bullshit animal display. You want to act all caveman?” She flung her arm toward the fireplace. “You can begin by sleeping by the fire. Try not to burn yourself. I’m going to bed.”
Before she could take another step he lunged at her, swinging her with such force she crashed into his chest with a thud. “If I’m sleeping out here you’ll be under me,” he growled and, seizing her mouth with his own, ripped her gown to the navel.
Chapter Six
11:47 P.M.
Gina would’ve gasped had Doug left her the breath to do it. She collapsed in his arms, her breasts bared against the starched fabric of his tuxedo, her ruined gown sloughing away to leave her upper torso naked and writhing in his grasp.
“Let go, you son of a bitch!” she hissed against his mouth. His answer was a bite to the corner of her lip. She responded by nipping his tongue. Which only made him stab it deeper inside her mouth. “You animal,” she choked out, her fists pummeling his chest.
He whirled her around, pressing her against the wall, nearly lifting her off her feet when he grabbed her by the waist and ground himself into her. She shivered, arching her neck as he bit his way across it, breathing so heavily she began to feel lightheaded. And angrier than she’d ever been in her life.
“What do you think—you’re doing?” she cried, still pummeling him. She kicked his knee and he grunted, twisting her around to the back of a chair, knocking over a lamp, which he sent sailing into a bookcase. His eyes electrified, he shoved her gown over her knees.
Gina simply laughed. “Oh here we go again! You’re gonna eat me and I’m gonna suck you dry.” She pressed the toe of her pump to his chest, pushing him back. “Well, that’s not working for me anymore, sweetie. I need someone who’ll work a whole lot harder than that. I need a real man who knows how to fuck me.”
His pupils flared and instantly Gina knew she’d gone too far. She swung herself over the chair and leapt to the floor, grabbing the bodice of her ruined gown as she scrambled for the sanctuary of the bedroom and its locked door. Precisely one breath and three feet later she knew just how foolish that idea was. Doug’s arm locked around her, tumbling them to the floor.
“Real man, huh?” he growled, propped over her, Gina under him as he spread her legs with his. Within seconds he had her gown around her waist and his fly opened, his cock springing forth with the most massive erection Gina had ever seen. She inhaled sharply and immediately went wet, her heart pounding out of her chest when he arched up and drove himself into her.
She yelped, her legs going limp. Doug reached under her thigh and looped it over his arm, angling her for better depth as he pumped his hips against her. “I’m the only man you’ll ever need,” he said, savaging her pussy with such indescribable efficiency she could already feel the orgasm working its way from her toes. He bent down to nip a corner of her breast, leaving a mark. “Say it.”
“Jesus,” was all she could manage as her hips began to quiver.
“Say it,” he insisted, spreading his palm over her lower belly, his thumb teasing the edge of her clit.
She looked up at him, her eyes half-masted, to a face no longer filled with jealousy or anger but a frantic longing. She raised her hand to his cheek. “You’re the only man,” she said and he grasped her fingers, kissing, devouring them. She let herself go, her climax rising with every thrust until she nearly imploded, stiffening as its tendrils spread through her like spilled mercury. He bent into her again, his mouth closing around a nipple.
“Doug, oh Doug,” she murmured, “I’ve waited so long for this. Waited so long for you.” He sucked her hard then, dragging his mouth to hers, kissing her so tenderly her eyes stung with tears. “God, how I’ve missed you.”
She could feel his lashes against her cheek as he kissed his way across her face. “Gina,” he murmured, almost in thanks, and she raised her hips to him, feeling such a surge of desire the thought of any other man coming near her ever again was beyond comprehension.
“Doug,” she whispered, her hands smoothing the soft skin of his ass, “no man has ever made me feel like you do. Has ever made me feel like I do now.” She nipped his ear and his breathing rose, his hips thrusting with new intensity as she felt his orgasm rising, knowing another of hers would soon follow. “Oh Doug, oh sweetie…oh…” Who had ever fucked her like this? She glanced down to see his slickened cock gliding in and out of her pussy, and it nearly drove her insane. She squirmed beneath him but she was completely at his mercy, yet still she wanted more. She wanted all of him, every inch, every last ounce.
“Come in me, Doug. I want you to come in me, please.”
Immediately he stilled, looking at her in horror. Then, with a shuddering gasp, he yanked himself from her and spilled into her gown. When he was through, he slumped against her.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured, holding her.
Gina sighed. Who was she kidding? In no way could things be that simple. She shifted beneath him, running her fingers into his hair. “God, we have a lot to talk about.”
He lifted himself from her and smiled painfully. “An understatement, I’m sure.” Then he stood and reaching down, pulled her to her feet. When she faced him he thumbed what used to be the bodice of her gown. “I think I owe you a dress.”
She sniffed, pushing it off her. “Get yourself out of that tux and we’ll call it even.”
“Deal,” he said, already stripping. When they both were naked he carried her into the bedroom.
They didn’t talk, just pulled back the covers of the big bed and crawled under them, Doug hanging his holster over the post, setting his pistol to the night table. When he lay on his back, throwing one arm over his head, Gina turned on her side and sprawled next to him, kissing his chest before she laid her head against it. She could hear the soft thump of his heart, heard it kick up a notch when she laced her leg into his.
“I haven’t fucked anyone since you,” he said, sliding the pins from her hair.
That startled her. She couldn’t quite believe it. The Doug she knew needed sex like a plant needed photosynthesis. “You haven’t had sex since we’ve been together?”
He snorted. “I wouldn’t exactly say that. As the last couple days have proved, there’s a whole lot you can do without fucking.”
“Yeah, but…” She didn’t know whether to feel outraged or flattered. Which was ridiculous since she hadn’t exactly been celibate since they’d been separated. “Well, I can’t say the same thing.”
“Not something I want to think about,” he said flatly, pulling her just a bit closer. “I want you to know the other day I had about a million blood tests done, for just about every disease known to man.”
She sat up. “Oh my God, why? Are you sick?”
“No. Not that I know of, I mean. I got them done for you.”
She traced his nipple with her fing
er, feeling contentious. “So you’ve been a pretty bad boy.” Not that she wanted him to answer.
“Yes,” he said. “In ways that’d make your skin crawl.”
She drew back slightly. “Well, thanks for being so honest. I guess that makes being with me kind of boring.”
He dragged her across his chest until her lips met his. “You’re the most beautiful, most exciting woman I’ve ever known. All you have to do is look at me and I want to fall apart. Christ, Gina.” He kissed her deeply. “Can’t you see that?”
“All I can see,” she nuzzled his neck, “is how badly I fucked your head. I never wanted to, Doug. You need to believe me.”
He slipped his arm around her. “Believe me, I’m trying to.”
“But you still don’t trust me.”
He sighed, looking away. “Gina.”
“No, don’t answer that. Not until you’re sure. I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
She slipped from his arms, sliding down his chest until her head rested on his belly. She ran her hand over his silky flatness, feeling the taut muscles flex as her fingers glided across. God, he has no idea how beautiful he is, she thought, burying her nose in the soft matting just below his navel, kissing the indentation near his hip. Against his thigh lay his still-flaccid cock, the length of which still astounded her, remarkable even in rest. Her fingers crept forward and when she touched it, it flinched, shocked. Gina smiled as it quickly went turgid. She pushed up, propping herself between his slightly spread legs, her pussy resting against his stiffening cock.
“How funny is it,” she rubbed against him, watching his eyes half-mast, “that with all the trouble in the world, the wars, the injustice, and even with someone out there threatening me, and you with your problems and I with mine, yet we…” She leaned forward, brushing her lips against his. “Yet here we are, just the two of us in this little bed, and right now there’s nothing in the world more important than this. Or is there?” Her mouth crooked, hoping in his world there wasn’t.